Real healing takes place
when we start working together.

Therapy for Partners of Sex Addictions | Overcoming Betrayal Trauma

Interpersonal relationships shape our entire way of seeing the world, and none more so than our partner. So when you find out that your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend has a sex addiction, it can feel as though you’ve been hit by a bus.

  • You may feel like sex addiction can’t be real.
  • You may be scared, embarrassed, depressed, and angry.
  • You may be living each day like you went through a trauma.

Sex addiction may sound like an excuse, and for some it may be. But sex addiction is also a real problem, studied by psychologists, that many people struggle with regularly that has been made worse by easy access to sex and sexual fulfilment.

We are a Calgary sex addiction treatment center that believes that the partners of those with sex addiction need and deserve just as much support throughout the recovery process. We empathize with the sheer amount of betrayal, confusion, disgust, fear, and sadness felt by the husbands and wives of those with sex addiction, and we strongly encourage you to seek out counselling before your own behaviors are altered as a result.

Sex Addiction Partner Therapy for Husbands, Wives, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends of Sex Addicts

Calgary Sex Addiction Counselling is an environment where everyone and every experience is welcome. For those that need individualized support, we have individual therapy sessions available to help you overcome your betrayal trauma. For those that want to the support of those around them, we have group programs that allow you to share your experiences and recover with likeminded peers that are also seeking relief from their struggles.

No one can turn back time. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t let the clock turn forward, and still enjoy not only your day to day life, but possibly your relationship once again. If someone you love is a sex addict, or you feel betrayed due to someone’s sexual habits, call us at Calgary Sex Addiction Counselling today at 403-879-2503. We’ll tell you more about our counselling for partners of sex addicts, and give you some background into our experience and training. Call today.

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